Use "handed in his resignation|hand in his resignation" in a sentence

1. He Rubicon when he handed in his resignation letter.

2. Leech handed in his resignation in protest against the Cabinet's European policy.

3. He handed in his resignation in protest against the president's European policy.

4. 25 He handed in his resignation in protest against the president's European policy.

5. Mr Maddison handed over his resignation letter with a heavy heart.

6. Outgoing Prime Minister Gordon Brown handed his own resignation to the queen earlier in the evening .

7. 4 Tired of being a tiny cog in a vast machine,[] he handed in his resignation.

8. His father-in-law understands and accepts his resignation.

9. The minister tendered his resignation.

10. He formally submitted his resignation.

11. His resignation passed largely unnoticed.

12. Members have called for his resignation.

13. Many greeted his resignation with consternation.

14. The chairman has tendered his resignation.

15. All eighty opposition members of parliament have handed in their resignation.

16. He was pilloried in the newspapers and his resignation demanded.

17. News of his resignation continues to reverberate in the media.

18. I accepted his resignation with great reluctance.

19. An announcement about his resignation is imminent.

20. People began to Clamour for his resignation

21. His resignation seemed only to fuel suspicions.

22. 11 The chairman has tendered his resignation.

23. People began to clamour for his resignation.

24. His resignation came out of the blue.

25. Glover faced a demand for his resignation.

26. He Acceded to demands for his resignation

27. Illness forced his resignation from the squad.

28. Disgruntled employees recently called for his resignation.

29. His sudden resignation caused quite a flutter.

30. 20 She handed in her resignation following the dispute over company policy.

31. The revelation of his scandalous past led to his resignation.

32. He showed a stoic resignation towards his fate.

33. They asked for his resignation with one voice.

34. 2 Disgruntled employees recently called for his resignation.

35. Under pressure, Attorney General Meese announced his resignation.

36. Matters came to a head with his resignation.

37. The manager announced his resignation and everybody mourned.

38. He has filed his resignation with the manager.

39. In June 1998 he went so far as to offer his resignation.

40. The director has threatened to give his resignation in to the Board.

41. 18 Rumours of his resignation are entirely without foundation.

42. The defeat led to his resignation as team manager.

43. His resignation came right out of the blue.

44. 22 The manager announced his resignation and everybody mourned.

45. After much persuasion he agreed to withdraw his resignation.

46. Rumours abound as to the reasons for his resignation.

47. 6 I heard about his resignation on the grapevine.

48. Cordon announced his resignation to staff members on Wednesday.

49. He announced his resignation to a roomful of reporters.

50. 16 He has filed his resignation with the manager.

51. His resignation after thirteen years is a political bombshell.

52. The ostensible reason for his resignation was ill health.

53. He submitted his resignation as mayor in May 19 shortly after being incarcerated.

54. The premier left his residence with almost indecent haste following his resignation.

55. In so doing he triggered a theological storm that led to his resignation.

56. The Campus called for Jeffries' resignation, citing his nonstop meddling in student government.

57. This led to an online petition calling for his resignation.

58. 1 His resignation after thirteen years is a political bombshell.

59. His resignation left a vacancy on the board of directors.

60. He has, by submitting his resignation, signalled his unhappiness with the government's decision.

61. Royals, a longtime commissioner, announced his resignation earlier this month.

62. His resignation must have some connection with the recent scandal.

63. The result will now unleash furious demands for his resignation.

64. His resignation will have serious repercussions on/for the firm.

65. After much persuasion he agreed to withdraw his resignation.

66. Mr Kelly posted his resignation letter to Mr Jones in the internal mail box.

67. Abdication: as in resignation, departure

68. In recent months he accepted his increasing illness with an admirable fortitude and resignation.

69. If this was their intention, they succeeded - by precipitating his resignation.

70. Bao Dai, isolated and confused in his palace in Hue, had received a message from the Vietminh demanding his resignation.

71. His resignation was greeted by jubilation on the streets of Sofia.

72. The book discusses his illness and subsequent resignation from the government.

73. His resignation will have a ripple effect on the whole department.

74. Mr Morgan has offered his resignation and it has been accepted.

75. His resignation passed almost unnoticed amid the furor of the elections.

76. 23 His resignation was greeted by jubilation on the streets of Sofia.

77. Piqued, Falkenhayn tendered his resignation to the Kaiser, but it was rejected.

78. 7 His resignation passed almost unnoticed amid the furore of the elections.

79. To them, the Watergate scandal that forced his resignation is distant history.

80. The news of his resignation came as a surprise to one and all.